Tuesday, December 8, 2009

…Mid November, a Thanksgiving to Remember, and December… OMG, it’s December!

22 years ago, on November 17th, I was born to a beautiful young family in Lima, Peru. I had a happy childhood with loving people all around me. Eventually, my mother was called to begin a new life in the U.S where, a few years later, I had the opportunity to rediscover my faith—thanks to some faithful people from MC and GMU. My re-conversion to the Catholic Church opened my eyes to the love that God had for me. In return, I felt the calling to love others like Him by serving in a country where I had only spent 10 days during my Senior Spring Break in college.

22 years later, I am found in the Dominican Republic, a country I have made into my second home, spending my birthday with Baniqueros and a sweet group of fellow volunteers with colorful mustaches. Even though I couldn’t see my family on such an important day for me, I felt loved by the people next to me. Samantha and our Bible Study girls baked an “earthquake chocolate quake” the day before. We ate it with some kids that smelled it from our volunteer house! We finished the day dancing and eating the remainings of the chocolate cake. The next day Arturo and Marina congratulated me for turning 22, my teammates and I met with Jesus in our usual morning prayer and received Him at Mass. I taught catechesis, guitar, practiced with the choir and went home where the most delicious home-made rotisserie chicken that Marina prepared awaited me. We later went to the volunteer house to watch Enchanted, and my teammates surprised me with another delicious cake and my favorite Ferrero Rocher chocolates! My friends, family and relatives from the U.S and Peru called me all day to wish me a Happy Birthday. I went to bed with a tummy full of chocolate and heart filled with joy and love!

Happy 22nd year of life!

November 26 – 27, 2009

Thanksgiving, a holiday to remember what we’re grateful for with the people we’re grateful of. This year, I spent Thanksgiving away from home for the first time. Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is new to me (because we don’t celebrate it in Latin America), I still appreciate it because it gives us a reason to gather with our families and enjoy delicious food, while meditating on all the graces we’ve received thus far.

Being in the Dominican Republic and celebrating Thanksgiving was a little odd at first. When we least expected it, it was Wednesday and we had to begin prepping our meal for the next day. Obviously there wasn’t any excitement with the locals because they don’t know what Thanksgiving is, nor celebrate it. Furthermore, my culinary skills are not very good, so being in charge of the pecan pie made me nervous. Thank goodness Sam was there to assist me because it would have been chaos otherwise!
Meanwhile, my family was planning a trip to Indiana, where my stepfather’s family is from. We don’t go to Indiana very often, only because it’s really far from Virginia—as well as expensive! Nevertheless, I enjoy going there and seeing our American family. Unfortunately, this year I had to miss a family vacation that we don’t get to experience much, and family time with my loved ones.

Thursday morning, back in Banica, all the volunteers and Fr. Murphy were responsible for one dish. Since I made the pecan pie crust the day before, I was free to brainstorm about the decorations. Brendan and I decided to make turkeys out of “papel foame” (foam paper). It was fun! We spent all morning designing personalized turkeys, pilgrims’ hats, boats, etc…

We gathered with some Americans that are serving in nearby towns. I had one of the best turkeys ever (smoked by Fr. Murphy) and enjoyed it with great people! We played croquette after our meal and even though Isaac and I finished 4th, we had a ton of fun! I went home and had to shower in the dark but it was ok because our day had been amazing and I truly felt like I was spending Thanksgiving with my family!


December 8, 2009

Wow! It’s December! According to Isaac’s count, we’ve been serving in Banica for over 100 days!

December brings me both joy and sadness. Joy because in only 12 days I’ll be in Virginia, hugging my family and friends, spending hours telling stories about my Adventures Baniqueras! I’m also happy it’s Advent, meaning Christmas is coming soon and we get to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus as a baby. Nothing can bring more joy than meditating on our Lord’s coming as a tiny infant, falling asleep on His Virgin mother on Christmas day. Amazing!

I’m sad because we’re wrapping up our catechesis classes, filling out baptismal and confirmation records and saying good-bye to two of our teammates: Samantha and Brendan. Samantha has served in Banica for over a year, and worked with the volunteer team as the volunteer coordinator. Sam has been an amazing example of true Christian femininity to me. I have learned to be a better, stronger person through her example. I’m gonna miss her, but I hope her return to the States helps her become the person she wants to be and enjoy the fruits of her service in Banica. Brendan is returning to the States after 3 months of service. He taught English and led the Sports League with Mairin. He made me laugh every day while he’s been here! I admire his optimism, love for children and endless humor! Please keep Sam and Brendan in your prayers!

I’ve been so blessed to receive the calling to serve in Banica with amazing people! I have enjoyed my time thus far only because God has placed me in a place where I can feel loved and give love without restrain. God called me here to experience a glimpse of His own love. I have learned that TRUE love hurts because so much of the self is given; yet, it is true and no one can take that away. The ultimate demonstration of TRUE love was given by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, expecting nothing in return.

I want to love like Jesus. I AM called to love like Jesus, which is what I intend to do during my mission here in Banica. There is no true love without sacrifice and suffering, but… I am ready. Guided by the example of our Lady today on her Immaculate Conception, I want to say YES to God for the rest of my life.
Lord, allow us to love like you loved us on the cross. Help us get rid of our selfishness and fear so we can give our alls for your sake. Thank you for making us to love and be loved!